Oakland Unite Life Coaching Fellows
Oakland Unite and Bright Research Group are excited to announce the 2020 cohort of life coaching fellows. This year we received overwhelming demand for the fellowship and could not accommodate all qualified candidates. Fellows were selected through a competitive application process, and will participate in a rigorous four-month learning and life coaching certification program through Blooming Willow Coaching.
2020 Fellows
Destiny webster
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth (MISSSEY)
Destiny is the Director of Engagement Programs at MISSSEY, supporting sexually exploited minors in Oakland and the greater East Bay. Destiny began her work at the Donald P. McCullum Youth Court as a case manager serving school-aged students. Through Youth Court, Destiny developed Essence, a gender-specific program focused on supporting rising middle school youth through coaching and identity development. Destiny comes to the work with a community healing lens and over a decade of experience in youth development. Destiny has worked within the Oakland Unified School District, managed youth programs including a transitional age youth shelter and a housing program, and supported educators and community organizations in developing trauma-informed/healing practices. Destiny seeks to promote healing through self-reflection, truth-telling, and owning one's magic.
Leonard Haywood
Community & Youth Outreach (CYO)
Leonard is a Program Supervisor within the Violence Reduction & Relocation programs at Community and Youth Outreach. Born and raised in Oakland, his introduction to community-based work began in the summer of 2012, as a volunteer for CYO. Leonard served as a Case Manager/Life Coach at CYO for seven years prior to becoming a Program Supervisor. His passion for this work comes from a place of love, the desire to give back, as well as to support young men of color from his community on their journey to progress and success. Leonard believes the first step in changing lives is establishing relationships through accountability, honesty, trust, and transparency. Leonard enjoys being a father of four, reading self-improvement books, traveling, and being a sports enthusiast, especially cheering on his Los Angeles Lakers.
Ellery Graves
Oakland Private Industry Council (OPIC)
Ellery is an Employment Coach at the Oakland Private Industry Council, supporting community members returning home from incarceration to find a livable wage and dignified employment to provide for themselves and their families. She has worked in the field for 4 years, at both the Eastmont Career and Employment Center and OPIC. While supporting partners and close friends through their justice involvement, she has deepened her dedication to reforming the (in)justice system and being a part of the transition when folks return home. Ellery has co-lead several long term anti-racism programs to facilitate racial de-conditioning for those that identify as white to support racial justice initiatives and reconnection to self and family. She spends her time in community at open mics, spoken word and music events, where she believes expression is a powerful tool of healing.